Author and podcaster Gabrielle Birchak strives to encourage others in math and science while sharing the depth and breadth of her knowledge with the world. In a world where social media is steeped in objectification and the search for validation, especially towards women, Birchak helps to pave a path for girls and women in STEM.
Birchak has developed a brand with her blog and podcast Math! Science! History!, where she shares her research on the broad scope of the history of math and science from early Mesopotamia in 4000 BCE to the present day. With this platform, she incorporates her love for math, science, and history while promoting women and people of color in STEM. Though her primary audience is in the United States, she has garnered listeners from Asia, Canada, Israel, and Australia, to name a few. Through her blog, she combines her journalistic skills with her math background to create quality, in-depth, factual podcasts and blogs that are easy to understand, garner engagement, and enjoyable.
Birchak’s name appears in bylines for D.C. Metro magazine and NASA/JPL’s newspaper Universe. As an editor, her work includes K. Gainor’s science-fiction book and podcast Paladin Corps: Book 1. Throughout her life, she has consistently worked simultaneously in two industries: science and entertainment. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism from California State University, Northridge, and a Bachelor of Mathematics from Southern New Hampshire University. Her love of academics earned her memberships with several Greek societies, including Sigma Alpha Pi, Alpha Sigma Lambda, Kappa Tau Alpha, and Phi Theta Kappa.
Always engaged with her tribe, Gabrielle is involved with several organizations, including the American Mathematical Society, History of Science Society, Association for Women in Math, and Association for Ancient Historians.
Gabrielle resides in Los Angeles, where she spends countless hours in many of the city’s 93 museums!